Today's thoughts while making my morning cup of tea. I wanted to share them with you.
We have a choice now how we handle this. We can choose to be sad and fearful at this uncertain time.
Or we can choose joy.
Our actions right now determine how we are at the end of all of this.
Who do you want to be?
What do you want to have achieved?
We can be stronger, wiser and more appreciative of the little things in life by the end of it. You just have to decide what you’re going to do about it.
-Learn a new skill through self education
-Keep a journal of these tough moments to reflect on and learn from later
-Go and just BE in nature with no other agenda than just to fall in love with the world around you.
-Laugh and have silly moments with those around you.
Or maybe you’ll;
-Watch every second of the news
-Read every social media post about the virus
-Let the virus mentally consume every minute of your day.
The choice is yours- joy or pain?
Kimberly x
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