We Inherited Cluttered Provision

Aug 30, 2019

Dottie’s Nursery and Dots and Tots are
currently taking part in the Hygge in Early
Years Accreditation to transform their
learning environments and practice. Look at
this fabulous lunch time transformation!


In Norway and Denmark mealtimes are seen as a time to come
together as a unit over some much-loved home-made food. Yet in
England I often visit settings and schools where lunch time feels
rushed, noisy and a process rather than an event to celebrate in the
day. Not only are young children often fussy eaters but they might
be worried about opening their yogurt, leaving the comfort of a
familiar room or being with different staff who support lunch time
cover. When planning lunch times these factors need to be

  • Are the children in a familiar environment?
 Are the adults familiar to the children and available to support
them and talk to them?
 Does the menu offer a variety of choice across the week? Cooked
with seasonal produce.

  • Is the lunch time environment calm? Or is noisy, busy, rushed.

  • Do children have a regular seat so they always know where to go?
One setting I visited recently had a wooden name tag for each child
at lunch time at the place setting.
 Could children be involved in lunch time to ease anxiety? Maybe
setting the table with a cloth, LED Candles, flowers and knives and
forks. Maybe they could write the menu, take orders, serve water
and have some responsibility.


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