Here are a few tried and tested ways to start the new school year in a smooth way.
A tour of the school/ setting in small groups and showing who works in school and what they do.
Tour of your provision in small groups and giving little teams the same tidy up job to do each day.
Share some getting to know you stories like Owl Babies. Offering children the chance to talk about who’s important to them and the things they like.
No phonics or maths sessions! Instead have a focus here on building relationships and developing a routine. Lots of small group circle times and getting to know you games. Lots of opportunities to revisit phase 1 of letters and sounds.
Make birthday crowns and display these around your setting. When it's a child's birthday they then get to wear it for the day!
A focus on good sitting, good looking, good listening during small group time. I like to reinforce the spoken words with makaton actions and symbols too.
I used to love writing a story about teach child's first week at school/ setting. Writing it for the child and giving them and their families a copy. For example ' Dear Rex, what a wonderful start to nursery you've had. I've been very impressed at how you've come into nursery each morning and had a huge smile on your face. You seem to really enjoy playing with the trains and what a brilliant imagination you have!' I would also include some lovely colour photos on this too.
Create a sense of belonging by hanging family photo on the wall in a nice display and something the children have made or created.
Allow children to come into provision and choose what they would like to do each morning. It’s much easier to leave family when you can choose something you like.
Have a staggered start to your transition into the new school year. Some children may need this slower or longer and that’s fine. Personalise your approach here.
Kimberly x
P.S To support all your autumn nature play planning take a look at our new printed booklet!
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