Our Nature Shelf
This week we have decided to share our nature shelf and how it was introduced in our setting. We started the Hygge wanderlust nature course last September. As a setting Immy and I love being out and about with the children in the woods, beach etc and feel that the children as well ourselves benefit hugely with the experiences that the wider world provide us not just from a learning perspective but also from a calming mindfulness perspective too. Being outdoors being able to touch, smell and see the nature around is makes us all feel so much better.
The Wanderlust Child Nature Study course has definitely given us lots of new and reminded us of old opportunities and experiences that we provide our children with us being able to now scaffold and extend the learning given with additional ideas. The nature shelf has been a huge hit with both myself and Immy as well as the children. Last October we cleared a space in the playroom on top of one of the ikea units and this was to be our nature shelf that would stay out all year round and change according to the seasons. We were both really excited!
We started in Autumn and added books relating to the present season as well as wildlife touch and feel books for the younger children. We added wooden animals that we thought was relevant to the season what with hibernation such as hedgehogs and foxes. We added some real life plants and a mini pumpkin to represent Halloween as well as some foraged natural treasures in a wooden leaf tray. The foraged items were what the children have collected during their time in the woods and consisted of conkers and pine cones. We also added some wooden number stars to include a maths learning element into the shelf too. We added the Autumn letters to provide a literacy element too.
Nearing Christmas we changed the letters for snowy ones to represent the changing season as well as some adding Christmas books, a poinsetta plant, some winter peg dolls and a few Christmas tree pine branches which smelt divine.
In January we added snowy icy mountains and some wooden blue grape pieces to symbolise the ice and snow.
Then Spring came and we changed the books to showcase Spring, baby lambs and rabbits. We also added some wooden Spring animals as well as a gorgeous bowl that we all painted at the local craft shop for us to collect all our natural treasures. We also added wooden spring flower peg dolls and birds as well as some magnifying glasses as the children are keen bird spotters at present.
We feel that the children have taken complete ownership of this shelf and will collect items when we are out and about saying “this for the nature shelf” Their coat pockets and the little basket that we take out with us are always full of their collections - they even bring in items from their adventures at home to pop on the shelf.
Follow our Instagram and Facebook Page - Sam Goldsworthy Childminding to see our ever-changing Nature Shelf.
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