I don't know about you but I just love the snow! Waking up and seeing the snow flakes falling brings so much excitement. I also love the softness that we experience when it snows and the way everywhere seems to quiet. Taking a walk and hearing the crunch underfoot, perhaps hearing the tweet of the birds in a nearby tree and noticing the snow sitting carefully on the branches.
I have been very fortunate to go on some wonderful adventures to Northern Finland and Canada and even as an adult the snow has truly fascinated me. Like the way it sticks to the trees in the -10 temperatures! I loved how in Finland the streets were given a cosy glow in the middle of winter with candles dotted in the snow lighting the way. So when it was snowing here in Bradford today I just couldn't wait to bring in some of that joy of snow into our day.
In today's blog I wanted to share three ways you can embrace some open ended snow play this winter.
Set up a snow kitchen
Here we take the good old mud kitchen and give it a seasonal twist! The snow bring such a different sensory experience to it. Here is a list of what I like to include;
In the past I have also had a collection of wooden snowflake decorations that have been hung up on the side of the kitchen along with a blackboard letting everyone know it's a winter kitchen!
There are so many learning opportunities to be had from making frozen drinks, ice cakes and ice cream! You could decorate these with twigs and winter foliage and maybe even write your own winter recipe books!
Creating a snow volcano
This is a great science opportunity that involves a wow moment!!
All you need is;
Have fun!
Build a home out of the snow
Morei deas;
Lastly, spend some time learning about the communities in Canada and Greenland that build homes and shelters using the snow and have a go at making your own outside for your peg people. This is a great way to explore building with snow!
For more ideas and support with getting outside all year round check out my Re-Wanderlust Child Nature Study Course and the supporting materials.
Kimberly x
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