With Easter upon us shortly it's easy to get back into the habit of dressing each area of provision for the celebration.
Instead focus on leaving a few hooks in your adult initiated sessions that will grab your children's interest and lead them curious to know more. It could be sharing an Easter story for instance and then having one or two areas of your provision with provocations in linked to this. This then invites the child to explore and learn more. It also means that children that don't want to explore this can still head into the areas of provision to develop their own lines of enquiry or take the lead on their own child led play.
Taking this approach also frees you as an adult up from spending so much time filling every area of provision with resources and instead can really prioritise your time and focus your efforts on the things that will make the biggest impact.
With this in mind I wanted to take the opportunity to share some of the provocations and hooks that I have done during my time teaching in the early years. Remember I didn't do all of these in the same year but hopefully they will inspire you.
Clay Eggs
Creating an Easter Garden
Natural Loose Parts on a Leaf
Egg Counting and Sorting
Bunny Biscuit Baking
Open Ended Maths Game
Small World Play
Spring Nature Walk
Easter Reading
Grow Grass and Make a Living Easter Basket
Create Loose Part Large Eggs liked Huntly Street Early Learning Centre
Read Your Favourite Nature Books About Easter and Make an Easter Bonnet and Decorate Eggs as the Characters
Find a Local Egg Trail Near You
For more Nature Play ideas check out my ReWilding Your Wanderlust Training here
Have you tried my FREE Introduction to Hygge Training yet?