This week we are joined by my wonderful member Jen from Mama's Den who is sharing with us her thoughts on supporting home learning during the Coronavirus outbreak.
We have all been thrown into a new way of life this week and whilst some of us were already starting to implement a new, calmer hygge lifestyle into our homes it can be hard to stick to those new mindful practices when our normal is so abnormal.
Take time to breath, and think about the positives that will come as you take over the schooling of your child. You have always been their primary influence anyway so that is not going to change. So just do what your can, your child will continue to learn, this might just be more practical learning rather than academic.
The thought of home schooling may fill many with dread and anticipation. I want to let you all into a little secret…. It’s ok to just let your children play.
Learning through play is vitally important for your child’s development and at this time in particular with all of the upheaval in our routines, creating a sense of calm and tranquillity will aid the mental health of us all. This includes thinking about your home learning provision.
We all will mostly be at home at the moment and whilst many are panic buying toilet paper I have been setting about ensuring I have scented candles, cozy blankets and areas in my home with lots of natural light so that the children can sit and draw and engage with home learning once we settle into our new routine surrounded by a homely environment which can only help keep the children as happy as possible.
So this week, let your children learn through play. Cook together, do household chores together and if you are working from home teach them what is involved in your job. Yes it is going to be hard to have them at home whilst you work but maybe when you are working, they could to be working.
Think about the resources that you have available to you for home learning. Your own interests and passions could play a massive part in creating a fun experience for you both over the coming weeks and months.
There are lots of free resources available online, pod casts, you tube videos and you could look at instagram for inspiration. I have collated a list on my page of lots of resources for you to access.
I am trying to remain optimistic and see the positives in our new situation. I have set up a school area filled with print outs, books, pens and other stationary perfectly placed in the windows so that natural light can keep us linked with the outside and so that the children can engage with the natural world. Have you got an area that you could also do this?
I have grouped together maths related resources, added lots of natural loose parts and thought about what areas of learning I can engage the children with during group activities.
Fika is going to be evident a lot in the coming weeks, lets take a break from activity, drink coffee, eat cakes and relax with our family at home where we are safe.
Resources used in the pictures
Vegetable Alphabet - Vegetable Alphabet
Sumblox - www.
Weaving Frames -
Number Trays -
Leaf identification cards -
Wooden Letters -
Magnifying glasses -
Bird Identity cards -
For more support on home learning ideas check out this FREE downloadable guide.
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