Identify Negativity
First identify what it is your feeling negative about. Make a list of all the solutions you can think of to solving the problem you have. Moving towards positivity and hope. Then commit yourself to taking one of these actions next time you feel this way.
Practice Gratefulness
I like to start each day with a grateful heart. I write down three things (sometimes more) of what I’m grateful for in my life. It could be something as small as hearing the birds tweet as I take my morning shower, or admiring the snow drops poking through the soil on my morning walk. By tuning into what makes us happy it allows us to have a more positive outlook on life and see that actually we can find good in every day…sometimes you just have to look harder!
Imagine your Future
Take some time to create in your mind an imaginary movie about what your life will look like ideally. What would the average day look like and think about what you would be doing and your accomplishments. Set aside 30 seconds a day to run this through your mind and train your mind to think more positively about your potential.
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