"I've had a rubbish day"
"You won't believe how I was treated today..."
"I've had enough of working there now."
"As if I have to stay till 6pm for that meeting tonight on wellbeing."
"She told me that my practice makes up the filling of the s**t sandwich in this school!" (Yep this one really was said by a headteacher...)
"I'm dreading work tomorrow"
"I actually can't face being there anymore- I've had enough"
Shocking...but true...these are the EXACT words sent in text messages between two troubled colleagues in a school.
The thing here is...working there was awful...truly horrendous and yet text messages like this were sent between colleagues over 2 years.
2 YEARS of feeling horrendous
2 YEARS of declining mental health
2 YEARS of putting work first and neglecting family
2 YEARS of not feeling valued
2 YEARS of your good nature taken advantaged of
Yet so often we put up with this. In many cases for longer than 2 years. We think it's OK.
It is not OK.
I'm going to be firm now.
Stop complaining, stop thinking that living this way is OK and stop making up excuses why you can't make a change.
This is your life and you're in the driving seat of where ever you want to go.
We constantly show and tell our children that we can get over hurdles..yet here you are waiting for a hand over yours.
Don't sit there waiting to be saved. No one will come. This is up to you.
Take charge.
Make a decision and make a difference.
I can absolutely promise you that you won't regret it. You won't look back in 10 years and think ' Do you know what I really wish I had stayed in the place that made me feel all those awful feelings.'
Believe in just what's possible!
If this is you feeling like this right now and need someone to talk to send me a DM or an email. I make it my personal mission to reply and support anyone feeling stuck in this position.
Together we are getting rid of those excuses that are holding us back and we're living our best life. ๐
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