Hygge Case Study: "I used to be guilty of setting activities up"

Nov 19, 2020

I have been a childminder for the last 6 years and over that time, my setting has had gradual enhancement. I have always had a calm and neutral decor and quite a laid-back approach in my setting and in my teaching. I had the mindset and personality for the Hygge way, I just lacked the knowledge as to where and how to progress with it and how to ingrain it into the fabric of my setting and teaching.

Before I started this course, I was guilty of setting up activities in search of a finished product. I wanted something physical to show parents what we had achieved that day. I felt if I didn’t have something to show parents, I would think they haven’t achieved anything. I recently had a light bulb moment when I received a photo and message from a parent whose child had been with me for around 4 months. The photo showed her child playing at a playgroup. The message read “Thank you for being the reason my son will now go off to play, rather than being clung to my leg!”

It was a moment where I realised it was more than the finished product that was of importance. I wasn’t just teaching the children about art, I was teaching them life skills, confidence, self-esteem and nurturing. The accreditation has given me the realisation that it isn’t about the artwork that I pass to parents on their way home, but more about the learning process the child goes through. How to present the children with the opportunity to connect with their space, to encourage and to use their senses and skills to push their own learning forwards.

One thing I was struggling with was showing a child’s sense of belonging in my setting. Being a childminder, I am lucky enough to open my doors and welcome multiple children through the week. This accreditation has given me the confidence to add snippets to my setting that incorporates each individual child and their own personalities. I have added a family wall- which has photos of children with their families which has helped a new little boy settle in well, as he uses the photos as a self-calming tool when upset. I have added an “image of a child” which the parents participated in and enjoyed looking at. I am also in the process of adding a self-registration home and peg dolls for when the children arrive in the mornings.

Documenting the children’s learning and child’s voice was a big let-down of mine. I used an app on my phone that each half term I would use a as checklist and tick off what the children could do from the development matters table. I would then print out a list of their next steps and use that as a basis of my planning for the next half term. There would be no child input, or child’s voice. For me, at the time, it was a simple checklist of learning, proof to OFSTED I knew what I was doing, and certainly not a true view of the whole child.

Once I embarked on this accreditation, it gave me the tools and knowledge of how to use the child’s voice, and how to document learning using the child as the basis and not a development table. I now document children’s learning on the walls, for all to see. I use photos, of children participating, learning in my setting. Capturing moments of in the moment play, calming moments of the child just sitting and watching, taking everything in. Taking photos of snippets in time, of the whole child and not just an action shot of the child completing a set activity for myself because it will tick off a learning objective. Children enjoy looking at themselves in these photos, parents enjoy seeing these photos and can see and read the learning that has been taking place in my home. I have now started a book for each of the children, these contain photos of the children, quotes from the children and their artwork. They are able to look through their own book at any time and it is a lovely gift for the parents when it is time for the children to leave my setting

I have recently introduced floor books into my setting. These are great for the children to look through. I add photos of the children, in action shots, calm moments, nature shots that I add to encourage discussion. I also add snippets of text, of what has been discussed. Maybe a child’s quote, something I asked the children or something we spoke about as a group. It’s a great tool for the children to look back through and to aid further discussion.

The biggest change for me both personally and professionally has been slowing down.In my home life, I always liked to have something on the go, being busy constantly and my mind racing a hundred miles an hour. Professionally, I was always busy in my setting. I would get the playdoh out for example, children would play for a little while and then I would be moving them onto the next thing not really allowing the children to fully immerse themselves in their learning.

This course has given me a complete u turn. I have learnt to take things slower. Home life, I am relaxing more (the mindfulness section of the course was invaluable, and I have shared it with my older son who has benefitted from the relaxation techniques) and also reading for pleasure not just for information or learning. In my setting, I am not rushing the children in their activities and have relaxed and learning to let the children’s day flow naturally rather than breaking it up for snack time for example.

I believe I now offer a setting that is unique, that is a true version of myself and my teaching ways and something children thrive from. I feel my setting lays the solid foundations of an expressive, nurturing child who has a strong sense of belonging and well-being. Children feel connected to myself, their surroundings and others around them and this aids the child to flourish.

My setting offers a space of calm and as I grow each day and make subtle changes of improvement to each aspect of my provision, it offers children the opportunity to be the best that they can be.

And surely that is what being an early years educator is all about?

Bex Winfield

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