Many of you are closed and uncertain about when you will open again. By the time you open again later on in the year you may have lost your cohort of children to school. How can you do make sure you’re still seen and not forgotten in your local community? Here are a few ideas on how to use social media to support you right now.
Have a regular social presence
On your social media channels make sure you keep up with regular posting of social media posts. Here are some ideas to help with levels of engagement;
Support your local community
Many of you will already be members in your local community facebook group. Create a presence in the group by sharing ideas in here of things to do with young children to support play. Maybe even share some videos of activities you might set up or film yourself telling a story and post inside. By doing this you help to stay in the front of everyone’s mind without coming across as salesy.
Use Instagram in your locality
Make sure to share your wonderfulness on Instagram too. When creating a post make sure to add in the location your in as this helps others in the area see your posts.
Create A Recommend A Friend Offer
Post on your page the option for your current parents to recommend a friend and for them both to get some free sessions.
Let me know if you try any of these and remember to use #hyggeintheearlyyears
Kimberly x
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