Do you use wooden crates in your play?
I have loved using wooden crates in my play now for quite a few years and really like the way they can create cosy little spaces to play and explore in or add a level of curiosity and intrigue to the environment. Crates are also very useful for creating flexible and movable storage areas within your early years provision. Perhaps as a good set of shelving for your book nook.
I like to have a collection of different sized crates to support my work. These have been collected over the years from kind friends who have used them for their wedding, Ikea purchases, Facebook marketplace pick ups and also bought directly from Cosy Direct.
I find them to be a wonderful open ended resource that can be used inside or outside. For example on a sunny day they can be used to set up a provocation in response to children's learning in the garden (you can find out more about setting up provocations here.) or perhaps use a few crates together to create a woodland kitchen.
I also like to add them to my Wanderlust Child Nature Play Set ups to support science and investigation.
Or how about setting up a story or small world scene in one?
We can also set up invitations to explore early number and phonics too with them.
Perhaps you could add another dimension to the create set up by winding battery operated wire fairy lights around the crate, dangling some decorations from the top or adding a pom pom garland.
Here are some examples of how my members on the Hygge in the Early Years Accreditation have used wooden crates in their play.
I would love to see how you use crates in your play. Do tag me in your set ups using my #hyggeintheearlyyears
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