4 Ways To Support A Child Starting School or Nursery

Aug 21, 2019

Well hello there!

Many of you were be thinking about going back to work and how you can effectively support the transition into the school or setting for new children. So in this weeks blog I'm going to give you three ideas to try.

1. Create a Sense of Belonging

Here one of my fabulous members of the Hygge in Early Years Accreditation has reflected on ways she can create that sense of belonging during self registration. Look at these individual peg dolls that can be moved to show "I'm here!"

2. Why not recommend to parents reading this wonderful book 'A Kissing Hand for Chester Raccoon.' This is a beautiful story that's sure to help with separation anxiety. Can't wait to get your hands on the book? Head to this You Tube link (Turn the volume on mute) and read the book together. 

3. Ask your children to bring in a family photo or drawing that you can display in a frame or on the wall.

4. Why not record a video of you and your team telling the children how excited you are to see them and have them in your class. You might create a video tour of the classroom provision for them to see or read them one of your favourite stories. This helps ease some of the first day anxieties. Then upload the video onto your website or social media feed! 

Here's to having a wonderful start to the new academic year!

ALL my best,

Kimberly x

P.S Need some help with setting up your irresistible provision? Check this out!

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