3 Ways to Strengthen A Literacy Rich Learning Environment
May 16, 2019
1. Consider your culture
- We want to make learning so irresistible that they can’t wait to start exploring
- these key skills. The way we set up our learning environment plays an important
- part in this. It helps to shape the culture we are trying to promote for our children.
- Take a look at your provision and consider the following questions;
- Have your Literacy displays turned into wallpaper that goes unnoticed?
- Do children often struggle to find their favourite book because you have so many
- out?
- Have you offered cosy spaces to sit and share books?
- Are children having to hunt to find a pencil to write their name on their painting?
- Do you as an adult label children’s work?
- Are your books often shoved back into the book case and look tatty?
Consider your role when it comes to promoting Literacy skills.
- Are your guided and focus Literacy sessions only organised inside? Perhaps giving
- off the message that Literacy only happens inside.
- Are children only supported in developing their Literacy skills when pulled away
- from their play. Or are skills built on together through careful interaction that are
- child child led.
2. Make it relevant
Often the displays we have set up in our classroom become wallpaper that goes unnoticed. Consider how you can involve the children in creating more meaningful displays. It might involve getting the children;
- To make their own alphabet freeze with decorated clay letters, or
- Taking photos of their friends who have a name starting with that sound. Children will also have increased ownership in their environment if we encourage them to create their own signs and labels for where things go or role play areas.
- Do your displays offer a mixture or handwriting and print?
3. Authenticity
We want children to understand and see the purpose for speaking, reading and writing. Therefore we need to offer this within our environment through the use of real objects. For example;
- Add envelopes, stamps, notebooks and a post basket to your computer area. so it feels more like a home office.
- Recipe books to the playdough area
- A link to a book about trees in a small world scene
- Real food packaging with logos on in your home corner.
- Always linking back to child interest.

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