3 Signs You Need To Review Your Provision

Mar 04, 2021
In this weeks blog post I wanted to share with you some warning signs that your early years provision isn't working and you may need to review it. 
It's good practice to reflect on your learning environment regularly and adapt it as required. I like to take photos of my provision at least once a half term and write a few notes on why the provision has been set up the way it has. I find this a useful tool for your accountability when in meetings with the senior leadership team. 
1. Children are wandering around without focus.
Perhaps you have a few children that never seem to stay in an area for very long. They flit from place to place and when using the Leuvan scales of involvement they score low.
2. You're always getting asked questions like, "where are the scissors?" or "I can't find the glue."
These types of questions indicate that the children are not accessing the environment in an independent way. Perhaps you need to look at re-organising your resources and involving the children in this process. 
3. You're spending too much time each week enhancing every area.
I remember when I first started teaching and i would spend all my time planning out the enhancements for each area of provision for each week and these would link to a theme so that every area of my classroom would be linked to this. Then I would spend lots of time making and resourcing challenges and resources for these areas...it was exhausting! I also found that by doing this each week there was very little creativity in the children's play or the children would not use the area as I had planned which was frustrating. 

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